Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started

  • How do I create an account?

    To create an account, visit the signup page and follow the prompts to enter your information. You will receive a confirmation email to activate your account.

  • How do I log in?

    Go to the login page and enter your email and password. If you forgot your password, use the "Forgot Password" link to reset it.

  • What information do I need to create an account?

    For a teacher account, you'll need your First Name, Last Name, School Name, email address, and an access code. If you're interested in a free pilot and need an access code, email

  • How do I confirm my email address after signing up?

    You will receive a verification email with a link to confirm your email address.

  • What should I do if I don't receive the confirmation email?

    Resubmit the signup form or reach out to support if the issue persists.

  • How do I change my account password?

    Click "Forgot Password" on the login page and enter your email to reset your password.

  • Can I create multiple accounts with the same email?

    No, each email address can only be associated with one account.

  • How do I update my profile information?

    Currently, you cannot modify your account information after signing up, so please be careful when entering your details.

  • Is there a mobile app for GradeWiz?

    No, we do not have a mobile app at the moment. If you think there's a need, please reach out to with your suggestions.

Using GradeWiz

  • What file formats are supported for assignment submissions?

    GradeWiz only supports PDF files for assignment submissions.

  • How do I upload an assignment?

    Navigate to the "Assignments" tab and click "Create New Assignment." Fill in the required details and save.

  • How do teacher submissions work?

    For teacher submissions, used for in-class assignments or exams, the teacher collects, scans, and submits the assignment. Automatic handwriting recognition detects the student's name and ID on the top of the page to assign the work to them.

  • How do student submissions work?

    For student submissions (i.e., take-home assignments), students are responsible for scanning and submitting their assignments as PDFs on the assignment page.

  • Can I edit an assignment after it has been created?

    Yes, you can edit the assignment until it is published. Once published, the assignment cannot be edited. If you made a mistake, you would need to delete it and create a new one. This prevents discrepancies between the distributed assignment PDFs and the updated versions.

  • How do I delete an assignment?

    Click the trash can icon on the assignment list to delete an assignment.

  • How do I view all submissions for an assignment?

    After clicking on the assignment, scroll down to review submissions either by student or by question. Reviewing by student allows you to see each student's entire submission, while reviewing by question lets you compare responses to the same question across different students.

  • Can students submit assignments late?

    No, late submissions are not accepted.

  • How do I set deadlines for assignments?

    You will be prompted to set a deadline when creating an assignment. You can also edit the deadline later by clicking the three dots next to the assignment card on the assignments page.

  • How do I grade assignments?

    Access the assignment from the "Assignments" tab, open the student's submission, and use the grading tools to provide feedback and a grade.

Feedback and Grading

  • How do I provide detailed feedback?

    GradeWiz uses AI to generate initial feedback on student assignments. This feedback includes comments on key areas such as content accuracy, writing quality, and overall presentation. You can review and edit the feedback to ensure it meets your standards and addresses specific points you want to emphasize. To edit the feedback, open the student's submission, and you will see the AI-generated comments. Click on any comment to modify it or add additional notes. You can also add new comments to the submission for more personalized feedback.

  • Can I use rubrics for grading?

    Yes, you can create custom rubrics in the "Rubrics" section and apply them to assignments for consistent and detailed grading.

  • How accurate is the AI-generated feedback?

    GradeWiz has a 94% accuracy rate when benchmarked against teaching assistants for introductory to medium-level classes.

  • Can I turn off AI-generated feedback?

    No, AI-generated feedback cannot be turned off.

  • How do I share graded assignments with students?

    Click "Publish Grades" on the assignment page to share graded assignments with students.

  • Can students see the grading rubrics?

    Yes, students can view the grading rubrics used for their assignments.

  • How do I import existing rubrics into GradeWiz?

    Currently, importing rubrics is not supported. If you need assistance or want to request this feature, please contact

  • How do I provide an answer key for an assignment?

    After creating the assignment, professors should download the PDF, fill it out, and submit it for extraction. This is optional but highly encouraged as it increases grading accuracy and allows for less detailed rubrics.

Account and Privacy

  • How do I delete my account?

    Go to your profile, select "Delete Account," and confirm. This will permanently delete all associated data, including classes, grades, and submission history.

  • What data does GradeWiz collect from users?

    GradeWiz only collects necessary cookies to keep you logged in. We do not use marketing, targeting, or personalization cookies and will never sell your data.

  • How is my data protected?

    Your data is protected using SSL protocol encryption and does not leave the platform without being anonymized.

  • Can I export my data from GradeWiz?

    Yes, you can export your grades as a CSV file from the assignment page by clicking "Export Grades."

  • What should I do if I suspect a security breach?

    Contact immediately and provide a detailed description of the issue.

  • How do I report a problem with my account?

    Reach out to for assistance with any account issues.


  • Is there a user guide or tutorial available?

    Yes, you can access a video demo by logging into the platform and clicking "Video Demo," or watch it on YouTube. Alternatively, reach out to us for a personalized demonstration.

  • How can I contact GradeWiz support?

    You can contact us at

  • Are there any training sessions or webinars available for new users?

    Yes, reach out to us, and we will schedule a training session for you.

  • How do I provide feedback about GradeWiz?

    We value your feedback. Please reach out to with your comments and suggestions.
