GradeWiz Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 12th June 2024


In 2024, GradeWiz launched as an AI-powered academic grading solution. As we continue to improve and support the GradeWiz product, we also strive to maintain the highest standards of privacy and security. This Privacy Policy describes how GradeWiz collects, uses, shares, and secures the personal data you provide. It also describes your choices regarding use, access, and changes to your personal data. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at

Privacy Pledge

Integrity is at the heart of all we do; it defines us. Protecting your personal data is our top priority. We are fully committed to transparency and using technology responsibly. We strive to adhere to the strictest privacy practices so that your trust is well-deserved, and because your peace of mind is important to us, we guard your personal data with the utmost care. We use it only for lawful reasons.

Data We Collect

When you create an account with us, or when a student has their work processed by GradeWiz, we process personal data (such as name, email address, job title, and school) so that we can correctly administer your account and provide you with the best customer service. The types of information we request and collect are connected to specific purposes, such as:

Why We Collect Personal Data

All personal data we process is directly linked to a specific purpose. For instance, requesting access to our academic content database, sending grading data to your LMS, or requesting web content (e.g., a newsletter, case study, video). At any time, you can access, update, rectify, or erase any personal data by logging into your account and clicking “User Info” or contacting Customer Support.

Protecting Your Data

We endeavor to keep your personal data safe and secure at all times. Personal data is processed within the United States. We have robust technical and organizational safeguards in place to protect such personal data, including:

Even with the best security systems, it is impossible to guarantee 100% protection from hackers and unauthorized third parties who capture information provided over public networks.

Third-Party Services

We use Google Cloud, Vercel, and OpenAI's services to assist in grading student work. We focus on the fact that we only share the work itself completely anonymized, with no way of inferring who is the author. To our knowledge, OpenAI does not use this work to train AI models. Any third-party company providing a related service must meet our security standards and those of the applicable legislation.

Data Retention

We retain student data for as long as they have an account with us. Users can request deletion of their data by emailing

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

GradeWiz and its partners may use cookies or similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the site, track users' movements around the site, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. It does not use cookies for profiling. You can control whether or not cookies are allowed through your browser. If you choose to disable cookies, it may limit the use of certain features or functions of our websites or services.

Social Media Features & Widgets

Our Site includes social media features, such as the Facebook “Like” button, the “Share This” widget, or interactive mini-programs that run on our site. These features may collect your IP address, record which pages you visit on our site, and set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. These features and widgets are sometimes hosted by a third party. Your interactions with these features are governed by the Privacy Pledge of the company providing the specific feature.


Our Site offers publicly accessible blogs. You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them. To request removal of your personal data from our blog or community forum, email us at In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal data, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why. You may also post a comment on our blog with the use of a third-party application that may require you to register to post a comment. We do not have access or control of the information posted to the blog. You will need to contact or login into the third-party application if you want the personal data that was posted to the comments section removed. To learn how the third-party application uses your information, please review their privacy policies.


GradeWiz serves a global community of educators and students, whose views on data privacy may differ significantly. Our products and services, as well as our privacy policies, are regularly audited and inspected by both employees and external consultants to ensure that we meet, and exceed where possible, privacy expectations and requirements. GradeWiz conducts periodic compliance reviews to verify that this Privacy Policy is accurate, comprehensive, prominently displayed, lawful, complete, implemented, and accessible. Any employee who violates this Privacy Policy will be subjected to disciplinary action.

GDPR Compliance

This section applies where the GDPR applies to GradeWiz’s processing of the personal data of data subjects in the EU. References to ‘Articles’ or ‘Chapters’ in this section are to the corresponding Articles or Chapters in the GDPR and italicized terms correspond to the definitions in the GDPR. This section is binding on GradeWiz.

GradeWiz confirms that it:

California Privacy Rights

California residents have certain rights with respect to their personal information, as described below. Before we may fulfill your requests, we are required by law to verify your identity in order to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

Education Platform: In the case of rights requests in relation to our education platforms, this may require us to confirm your identity with your education institution.

Website: In the case of rights requests in relation to our website, this may require us to confirm your identity by asking you to verify certain information previously provided by you, or other method as practicable.


Right to Know and Access Information:

You may access information we maintain about you using the methods provided below. If we grant your request, we will provide you with a copy of the personal information we maintain about you in the ordinary course of business. This may include what personal information we collect, use, or disclose about you. We may not fulfill some or all of your request to access as permitted by applicable law.

Deletion of Information:

You may request that we delete your personal information. Depending on the scope of your request, we may refrain from granting your request, as permitted by applicable law. For example, we may be legally required to retain your information in our business records. You may submit a deletion request using the methods provided below.

Authorized Agent:

California residents may use an authorized agent on their behalf to exercise a privacy right discussed above. If you are an authorized agent acting on behalf of a California resident to communicate with us or to exercise a privacy right discussed above, you must be able to demonstrate that you have the requisite authorization to act on behalf of the resident and have sufficient access to their laptop, desktop, or mobile device to exercise these rights digitally. If you are an authorized agent trying to exercise rights on behalf of a GradeWiz user, please contact us at the contact information below with supporting verification information, which includes a valid Power of Attorney in the State of California, proof that you have access to the consumer’s interface, and proof of your own identity.

To Exercise Your Rights:

Education Platforms: GradeWiz education platforms are used at the discretion of the education institution customer. In addition, we are obligated under FERPA to remain under the direct control of the education institution customer with respect to our use and maintenance of student data that is part of the education record. As such, to exercise your rights in relation to your use of the GradeWiz platforms, please contact your education institution. We will work with them to facilitate your request.

Website: To exercise the rights described above, please contact us using the information below. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your California rights or this privacy policy, you may contact us:

GradeWiz Corporation.
100 Cornell Ave
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

Please note that your exercise of the above rights is subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g., the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g., the maintenance of legal privilege). We will try to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable. Requests to exercise these rights may be granted in whole, in part, or not at all, depending on the scope and nature of the request and applicable law. Where required by applicable law, we will notify you if we reject your request and notify you of any reasons we are unable to honor your request.


We shall not discriminate or otherwise penalize anyone for exercising their rights under this Privacy Policy.

Categories of Personal Information We Collect

Education Platforms: Depending on how you use our platforms, we may collect some or all of the following:


If you choose to schedule a call with GradeWiz, we will collect Identifiers such as a real name, work email, phone number.

If you choose to send us an inquiry regarding our products, we will collect your professional or employment related information, such as your job title, institution name.

Categories of Sources from Which the Personal Information Is Collected

Education Platforms: We collect the Personal Information directly from you or from your educational institution.

Website: We collect the Personal Information directly from you.

Business or Commercial Purpose for Collecting or Selling Personal Information

Education Platforms: We collect your Personal Information to provide the services and for the following business purposes:

Website: We collect your Personal Information to operate the website, respond to your requests and for the following business purposes:

Categories of Third Parties with Whom We Share Personal Information

Education Platforms: We do not share your Personal Information with “third parties” as the term is defined in CCPA. That is, we do not share your Personal Information with individuals or organizations to use for their own commercial purposes.

Website: We may share your Personal Information – specifically your IP address, device ID or similar online identifier, with certain third parties, such as advertising networks. This information is used to personalize advertising you see after you’ve visited our website.

Specific Pieces of Personal Information We Have Collected

Education Platforms:


Usage Policy

As an education technology service provider, we rely on data to provide you with solutions that improve learning and teaching, and you rely on us to protect that data. We take that responsibility seriously and pledge to never sell or share personal data and use it only for the purpose for which you gave permission. Our Privacy Policy details how we protect your data and privacy.

This Usage Policy outlines the legal terms and conditions governing the use of this website and any other site provided by GradeWiz.

By using our site(s) and related services, you agree to be bound by law to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please leave this site.

These terms and conditions are in addition to any other agreement you may have with GradeWiz, including any agreement governing your use or your organization’s use of GradeWiz products or services.

If there is a conflict between these terms and conditions and any other separate agreement, the separate agreement shall govern, except that in relation to personal data issues the GDPR section of this document shall at all times apply.

The Legal Agreement

By agreeing to these terms, GradeWiz grants you a nonexclusive license to use the Site for your personal, non-commercial use. You agree to NOT use the Site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms and conditions.

You may not reverse engineer, deconstruct, disassemble or decompile any software or technology underlying the Site or provided through the Site, except to the extent permitted by applicable law.

The contents of the Site may not be distributed, modified, reproduced, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of GradeWiz. You may download content from the Site to any single computer, provided you keep intact all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices. Any use of these materials on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited.

You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to surround or enclose any portion of the Site without GradeWiz’s express written consent.

If you breach any of these terms and conditions, you will no longer be authorized to use the Site.

We suggest that you keep a copy of these terms and conditions for your future reference. Please note that we may revise these terms and conditions at any time, and it is your responsibility to periodically read through these Terms and Conditions and know that when you use the Site, you are bound by the most current Terms and Conditions.

Copyright Ownership

The Site is owned and operated by GradeWiz. All of the associated services, content, data, information, and other materials on or directly accessible from the Site are also owned by GradeWiz or its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, and/or vendors. The Site is protected by United States and international copyright and trademark laws. Any copies that you make of material or other content provided through the Site must contain the same copyright and other proprietary notices that appear with the material or content. Any rights not expressly granted by these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement with GradeWiz are reserved by GradeWiz and/or its vendors and licensors.

If you are a student submitting work for review in connection with a class you are taking, know that you retain copyright ownership; the content of your submission is used solely for the purpose of performing educational services.

Please note that we vigorously protect all personally identifiable information and any student work submitted through the Site and/or our service. (Read our Privacy Policy for details.) Excluding that personal data, any communications or material of any kind that you e-mail, post, or transmit through the Site, such as questions, comments, suggestions, and other data, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. We’ll refer to this as your “Communications,” which GradeWiz may use, royalty-free, for business purposes, including, but not limited to, the development and use of products.

GradeWiz may (but is not obligated to) monitor areas of the Site for user Communications, such as chat rooms, bulletin boards, and other user forums. GradeWiz will have no liability, however, related to the content of any such Communications. GradeWiz does retain the right to remove, at its discretion, Communications that include any material deemed abusive, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate.


This Site is controlled and operated by GradeWiz from its offices within California in the United States of America. It makes no claim that the materials are appropriate for use in other locations. Those who choose to access the Site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local or national laws, if and to the extent local or national laws are applicable.

Any software from this Site is subject to United States export controls and, potentially, the import laws of your jurisdiction. No software from this Site may be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported to any person or entity on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Denial Orders or otherwise prohibited by United States export control laws. By downloading or otherwise using Software from this Site in any manner whatsoever, you represent and warrant that you are not on any such list or located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country.

Any use of downloaded software by the U.S. Government, including but not limited to any Educational Institutions under its jurisdiction or under the corresponding States’ jurisdiction, is subject to ‘restricted rights’ as that term is defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(2) or DFAR 252.227.7013(c)(1) (if used in a defense-related agency).


GradeWiz Corporations and other names of GradeWiz products and/or services including on the Site are the unregistered trademarks and service marks of GradeWiz. GradeWiz’s trademarks and service marks may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not GradeWiz, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits GradeWiz.

All other trademarks, service marks, and logos used on the Site belong to their respective owners. GradeWiz does not make any claims to the marks of others that might appear on the Site.

Your License to Us

Unless otherwise indicated in this Site, including our Privacy Policy or in connection with one of our services, any communications or material of any kind that you e-mail, post, or transmit through the Site (excluding personally identifiable information of students, any work submitted to the Site, and assessment material and feedback associated with that work), including, questions, comments, suggestions, and other data and information (your “Communications”) will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. You grant GradeWiz a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable license to reproduce, transmit, display, disclose, and otherwise use your Communications on the Site or elsewhere for our business purposes. We are free to use any ideas, concepts, techniques, know-how in your Communications for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development and use of products and services based on the Communications.

Your Communications

GradeWiz may, but is not obligated to, monitor or review any areas of the Site where user Communications may be made available, including, but not limited to, chat rooms, bulletin boards, and other user forums. GradeWiz, however, will have no liability related to the content of any such Communications, whether or not arising under the laws of copyright, defamation, privacy, obscenity, or otherwise. GradeWiz retains the right to remove, in its sole discretion, Communications that include any material deemed abusive, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate.

Acceptable Use Policy

So that everyone can enjoy the Site, GradeWiz reserves the right to suspend anyone’s access to the Site who violates this policy and the following provisions. Please do NOT:

GradeWiz reserves the right to disclose information as necessary to satisfy any legal requirement, including regulations, government requests, court orders, or subpoenas. GradeWiz also reserves the right to edit or remove any information, in whole or in part, that it deems objectionable, disruptive to the Site, or in violation of these terms. In other words: please be respectful of others. Thank you.

External Links

The Site contains hyperlinks to third-party websites. That does not mean that GradeWiz endorses or recommends that site or that third party’s products or resources, nor does it indicate affiliation with or sponsorship of that third party. GradeWiz is not responsible for any software, data, or other information available from any third-party site. When you visit a third-party site, even if it’s linked from GradeWiz, you are responsible for complying with that third party’s terms and conditions of use. You acknowledge that GradeWiz bears no liability for any damage or loss from your access to, use of, or reliance on any third-party site, software, data, or other information.

Accuracy and Integrity of Information

Although GradeWiz makes every attempt to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the Site, it makes no guarantees as to the correctness of the Site. It is possible the Site may include typographical errors, inaccuracies, or other errors, and that unauthorized additions, deletions, and alterations could be made to the Site by third parties. If you find any error, please notify GradeWiz so that it can be corrected. Information contained on the Site may be changed or updated without notice.

No Warranty


Limitation of Liability

This Site and its services are provided “as is.” GradeWiz does not guarantee that the Site will meet all of your requirements or expectations. There may be errors or interrupted service. To the fullest extent permissible by law, GradeWiz disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, non-infringement, conformity to any representation or description, merchantability, quality of information, quiet enjoyment, and fitness for a particular purpose.

IMPORTANT: Neither GradeWiz, nor its licensors or suppliers, will be liable for any loss or damage under any circumstances resulting from use of this Site or associated services. That means that you agree to be responsible for any damage or loss linked to using this Site or GradeWiz services. This limitation does not apply to the extent that it is prohibited by law. If you are dissatisfied with this Site or related services, please stop using the Site. CERTAIN STATE LAWS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES. IF THESE LAWS APPLY TO YOU, SOME OR ALL OF THE ABOVE DISCLAIMERS, EXCLUSIONS, OR LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU, AND YOU MIGHT HAVE ADDITIONAL RIGHTS.


You agree to indemnify and defend GradeWiz from any claim (including attorney fees and costs) arising from your (a) use of the Site, (b) violation of any third-party right, or (c) breach of any of these Terms and Conditions. You agree to cooperate as reasonably required in the defense of any claim. GradeWiz reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification under this section and, in any event, you agree not to settle any such matter without GradeWiz’s prior written consent.


Any notifications of claimed copyright infringement must be sent to our Copyright Agent:

Chief Financial Officer
GradeWiz Corporation
100 Cornell Ave
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

GradeWiz respects and works hard to protect the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide GradeWiz’s Copyright Agent the following information:


Except as provided below, these terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between GradeWiz and you (pertaining to this Site and GradeWiz services).

The parties agree that any and all disputes, claims, or controversies arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions that are not resolved by mutual agreement shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration, pursuant to the United States Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Sec. 1 et seq. The arbitration shall take place in Alameda County, California, unless the parties otherwise agree in writing. Within fourteen (14) days thereafter, the arbitrator shall arrive at a final decision, which shall be reduced to writing, signed by the arbitrator, and mailed to each of the parties and their legal counsel. All decisions of the arbitrator shall be final, binding and conclusive on the parties and shall constitute the only method of resolving disputes or matters subject to arbitration pursuant to this Agreement; provided, however, nothing shall prohibit the parties from seeking injunctive relief and/or other equitable remedies in a court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrator or a court of appropriate jurisdiction may issue a writ of execution to enforce the arbitrator’s judgment. Judgment may be entered upon such a decision in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. Please check the Privacy Policy when you use the Site to ensure that you are aware of any changes in our privacy practices. Our Privacy Policy will indicate the date it was last updated. If at any point we decide to use personal data in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify you via e-mail at the last email address you have provided to us. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner. If you elect not to allow us to use your information in this different manner, we will continue to use such information in accordance with the Privacy Policy under which the information was collected.


Please direct all inquiries regarding the Privacy Policy either to or GradeWiz, 100 Cornell Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850 USA.